Frequently Asked Questions

How does Kate Bakes price her cookies?

Regular drop cookies in northern Colorado (without any type of decoration) generally range from $4-5 per cookie. My cookies are priced at $6.25+ per cookie. Each batch takes me anywhere from 7-15+ hours to make from dough to decoration and that’s not including cost of supplies. These custom cookies are meant to be miniature works of art, not cookies that are made in mass quantities.

How do I pickup my cookies?

All orders that are not shipped must be picked up from Kate Bakes. Once the order is confirmed, payment is made, and a pickup date is established, I will send you the address directly. 

Why don’t you post your address publicly?

As you can read on my about page, I am also a Marriage and Family Therapist when I’m not baking. Part of this work sometimes entails needing to protect my privacy and address.

Why is the full payment due upfront?

All of Kate bakes cookies are custom and, as such, I cannot resell them if you change your mind about the order. I require payment upfront as well to be able to purchase the supplies needed to make the cookies as well as spend the time creating custom designs for you. 

How long do my cookies stay fresh?

Cookies are individually heat sealed so they should stay fresh for 2-4 weeks. Cookies do not need to be refrigerated and can stay at room temperature.

If I have extra cookies, can I freeze them?

Yes! Be sure to keep the cookies in their heat sealed packages and place those in an airtight container, then place them in the freezer. Once you are ready to eat the cookies, let the airtight container come to room temperature before opening the container to prevent the colors from bleeding. Cookies can be kept in the freezer for up to 3 months.